The Hottest Hot Sauces
Many Hot Sauces or Chilli Sauces that claim to be the Hottest Hot Sauce are not made from real chillies but from chilli or pepper "extracts".
The super hot Hot Sauces made from Pepper extract typically start at 1,000,000 Scoville Units (SHUs) but can go as high as 16 Million SHUs.
At 16 Million SHUs the sauces are being made with pure capsaicin which is the active compound found in chillies that gives them their heat.
Pepper extracts like all other extracts are food additives and should be handled with extreme care. Nearly everywhere that sells extract based sauces make you complete a waiver that ensures that they are not liable for any injury that is caused by your misuse of these other words you are taking your life into your own hands!
While extract based sauces are really hot and help put hair on your chest they lack flavour and once the burn is gone (which trust us can last up to 10 minutes) there is not much left to talk about and if there was something to talk about you wouldn't really be able to you because your tongue has just taken a bath in pure pepper!
A sauce made from fresh chillies will give you both the heat hit and the flavour hit and is what we like to focus on in the ChilliBOM subscription box.
In terms of the hottest hot sauces, here are two lists we found that includes hot sauces that are made from both fresh chilli and pepper extracts:
- Fox News gives you a list of true hot sauces excluding the pepper extracts
- Scott Roberts has a very extensive list and allows you to look at the hottest sauces as well as how the chillies that are used to make them rate on the list
Some of the top rated extract based sauces that appear on the list include:
- Blair 16 Million Reserve
- Blair's 6AM, 5AM, 4AM and 3AM Extracts
- Texas Creek Pure Evil 9.6mil Capsaicin Drops
- Mad Dog 44 Magnum Pepper Extract