The Beast Hot Sauce 148ml
The Beast Hot Sauce has lurked for millenia in nightmares. Long has it waited its moment, but its time is here. It's time to possess, to destroy, to unleash its fiery fury on the tastebuds of all mortal men. As its storm of fiery particles swarm in your mouth and your endorphins rush wildly in a frenzy, it may cause you to scream or mutter strange, unintelligible incantations or make grotesque faces as the heat streaks like a shiver of lightning throughout your body and your head spins dizzily as you enjoy this mindless sensation of pleasure.
Some of the Technical Stuff
Heat Rating | |
Chilli | Habanero |
Origin | Lynchburg, Tennessee, USA |
Size | 148ml |
Ingredients | Habanero Peppers, vinegar, salt, spices, garlic, onion, ginger & natural flavours, Jack Daniels Whiskey |
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