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For a limited time get 15% OFF Dirty Dick's hot sauces

ChilliBOM Red Box Spring 2020 Small Axe Peppers The Chilli Chick Dirty Dick's

ChilliBOM Red Box Spring 2021

The Fruit Twister Edition

Welcome to The Fruit Twister Edition a Red Box with three amazing fruit-based sauces that are all made in their own special way to create three amazing different flavour profiles. Starting with Dirty Dicks Hot Pepper Sauce with a Tropical Twist a traditional style table sauce from Vermont USA that is bursting with a fruit salad of flavours including banana and sultana. We then head to New York where the team at Small Axe Peppers have worked with community growers in Los Angeles to create the "Los Angeles Habanero Mango" a garlic style sauce made with mango and blood oranges. Lastly, we come all the way back to Northern NSW for The Chilli Chick Raspberry Pomegranate Miso hot sauce, a truly modern and unique savoury flavour bomb that will get you trying to think up ways to add this to everything! Have fun exploring this fruity mix.

Dirty Dick's Hot Pepper Sauce with Tropical Twist Hot Sauce (Vermont, USA) 3 and a Half out of 5 ChilliBOMs

Chilli: Habanero

Instagram: @dirtydickshotsauce

This hot sauce has a unique combination of tropical fruit and savoury ingredients to create layers and layers of flavour and heat. It starts with a wonderful tropical and tomato aroma and pours as a thick sauce thanks to the banana, and this also helps the sauce...[Read the full review]

The Chilli Chick Raspberry Pomegranate Miso Hot Sauce (Cudgen, NSW Australia) 3 and a Half out of 5 ChilliBOMs

Chilli: Habanero, Bhut Jolokia

Instagram: @thechillichickshop

The distinctive aroma of the raspberry and pomegranate are the first things that hit you when you crack open this bottle. But when you taste this sauce then the party really starts; the amazing way the ingredients come together in this fruit/tang/umami combination to delivers a truly unique fruit savoury flavour......[Read the full review]

Small Axe Peppers The Los Angeles Habanero Mango Hot Sauce (New York, USA) 3 out of 5 ChilliBOMS

Chilli: Red Habanero

Instagram: @smallaxepeppers

This hot sauce is a crazy, yet distinctive, mix of ingredients that puts it in a class of its own. This crazy flavour ride starts with garlic and onion followed by the punch of habanero, you then get the distinctive tang of tamarind balanced by the fruitiness of the blood orange and mango.....[Read the full review]

Subscribe today to get your hands on the Spring 2021 Red Box available from August 2021 to October 2021 (or while stocks last)! Find out a bit more about ChilliBOM and How it Works.

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