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ChilliBOM Red Box Autumn 2021 Hot Sauce Club Australia

ChilliBOM Red Box Autumn 2021

Bust a Move Edition

While many of us are still not allowed to bust out those signature moves on the dance floor, which my family a happy to tell me they are grateful for, we thought we'd get your taste buds dancing instead with these 3 super tasty hot sauces. The Autumn 2021 Red Box features a bbq-style sauce from 13 Angry scorpions; this sauce has won numerous international awards including three major awards in the USA in 2020 alone. Next up is the the highly acclaimed, and very tasty, Yellowbird brand from Austin Texas and lastly we would also like to introduce Artisan Ferments based on the Gold Coast in Queensland, they specialise in fermented products including their signature fermented hot sauce. Quick, get the music on!

13 Angry Scorpions Jeykll and Hyde (Brisbane, QLD AUSTRALIA)  5 out of 5 ChilliBOMs

Chilli: Trinidad Scorpion, Jalapeño

Instagram: @13_angry_scorpions_hot_sauce

This is an international award-winning sauce that instantly became one of my new favourites. As the name suggests it has two personalities; when you first put this sauce in your mouth Dr Jekyll delivers a very tasty barbecue style sauce with natural smoky jalapeño flavour (aka chipotle) combined with some upfront sweetness. The devious Mr Hyde then swoops in ...[See the full review]

Yellowbird Habanero Condiment (Austin, Texas USA) 4 out of 5 ChilliBOMs

Chilli: Habanero

Instagram: @yellowbirdsauce

This smooth, velvety hot sauce gets your mouth-watering from the first sniff. The up-front habanero and garlic flavours are evident, and this is combined with the natural sweetness from carrot and onion. This sauce is slow cooked from all-natural ingredients and it definitely comes through in the depth of flavour. The added bonus in this sauce, that helps to set it apart is the subtle, yet vibrant, taste of.....[Read the full review]

Artisan Ferments Fermented Chilli Sauce (Gold Coast, QLD AUSTRALIA) 2 and a Half out of 5 ChilliBOMs

Chilli: Red Cayenne, Habanero

Instagram: @artisan_ferments

Tom has lived up to his brand name and created a truly artisanal product. This chilli sauce is naturally fermented for six weeks and has the delicious full flavour of chilli, capsicum and garlic with a salty/sweet, pickled finish. The main chilli in this sauce is cayenne which provides a nice upfront heat, Tom has also added in some.....[Read the full review]

Subscribe today to get your hands on the Autumn 2021 Red Box available from February 2021 to April 2021 (or while stocks last)! Or find out a bit more about ChilliBOM and How it Works.

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