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ChilliBOM Winter 2018 Red Box

The Burger Edition

The ChilliBOM Winter 2018 Red Box is dubbed “The Burger Edition” and has been inspired by one of you! Check out @_iamando_ on Instagram who, as well as being a ChilliBOM and hot sauce fanatic is also a burger aficionado, just looking at his Instagram posts start you drooling! These hot sauces are perfect for any type of burger so make sure you take them along to your favourite burger bar on your next trip!

Melbourne Hot Sauce Hop Smoked Jalapeño (Melbourne, VIC AUSTRALIA) 2 and half chilliboms out of 5

Chilli: Jalapeños (56%)

This sauce is a 3-way collaboration between Melbourne Hot Sauce, Wolf of the Willows Brewery and St Kilda Burger Bar and, coincidentally enough, is a hot sauce designed for burgers! It features Extra Pale Ale (XPA) beer and jalapeños that are smoked for 6 hours over cherry wood and galaxy hops, giving this sauce a natural smoky aroma and flavour. It has a thick consistency and a deep crimson red colour from both the jalapenos and tomato. There is a slight bitterness from the XPA that is well balanced with the acid from the lemon and tomato and the sweetness from the sugar. A solid heat from the jalapeños that is not too overpowering, but that deep and authentic smokiness is the true star of this hot sauce. Read the full review.

Danny Balboa's Juice Head (Coburg North, VIC, AUSTRALIA) 2 chilliboms out of 5

Chilli: Habanero, Szechuan pepper

Dan has created a very different style of hot sauce, one that has grapes as the base ingredient! This is a chunky style sauce and the distinctive sweet and juicy aroma of grapes is definitely the first thing you can smell, but the addition of onions and tomatillos provide both a depth and a sharpness of flavour to balance that. The habanero is not a burning heat but, true to habanero’s form, there is a definite build up the more you eat. The “cherry-on-top” for this sauce is the Szechuan pepper it gives the sauce an overall punchiness and complements the sweet grape flavour perfectly. Read the full review.

Mofo Hot Sauce Orange Habanero (Perth WA, AUSTRALIA) 4 ChilliBOMS out of 5

Chilli: Orange Habanero

The Mofo Orange Habanero Hot Sauce gets its striking orange colour from two special ingredients: orange habaneros and apricots. The apricot plays a double role, first, it gives this sauce a nice thick, smooth consistency, that does take a bit to get it out of the bottle but is well worth the effort. And second it provides a great flavour pickup for the orange habanero which is known for its natural apricot flavours. Combine this with garlic, onion and ginger and you have yourself one very tasty sauce. The distinctive habanero heat is delivered all over your mouth thanks to the sauces thicker consistency. Read the full review.

Subscribe today to get your hands on the Winter 2018 Red Box available from May to July 2018! Or find out a bit more about ChilliBOM and How it Works.

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