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ChilliBOM Red Box Spring 2024 Hot Sauce Club Australia Crack Fox Jamaican Hot Yellow, Scotch Bonnet + Lime

[REVIEW] Crack Fox Jamaican Hot Yellow, Scotch Bonnet + Lime

Chloe from Crack Fox sources all her ingredients from local organic growers and is focussed on small-batch, hand-crafted quality products. This Caribbean-inspired hot sauces goes one step further with chilli seeds imported from Trinidad which then have been locally grown into the Scotch Bonnets and Jamaican Yellow chillies that are the staple of most Caribbean hot sauces. Chloe has taken these naturally fruity chillies and combined them with pineapple, lime and coriander to create a delicious fresh flavour that dances on the tongue...some would say it even tingles! The garlic and onion round out the flavour profile and provide extra depth. The Scotch Bonnet is a distant cousin of the habanero so it provides a warming chilli heat down the back of your throat that sits and builds the more of this delicious sauce you eat.

Absolutely delicious with white meats or mix it with some olive oil for a fresh take on your next garden salad.

Subscribe today to get your hands on the ChilliBOM Red Box or find out a bit more about ChilliBOM and How it Works, or grab a bottle of this sauce from the ChilliBOM Hot Sauce Store.

Some of the Technical Stuff

Heat Rating 3 out of 5 ChilliBOMs
Chilli Scotch Bonnet, Scotch Bonnet
Origin Byron Bay, NSW
Size 150ml
Featured in ChilliBOM Red Box Spring 2024
Ingredients Apple Cider Vinegar (With the Mother), Jamaican Hot Yellows (Spray Free), Scotch Bonnet (Spray free), Carrot, Onion, Mixed Citrus (Spray Free), Pineapple (Spray Free), Garlic, Perennial Coriander (Spray Free), Raw Honey, Murray River Pink Salt, Spices
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